I will be dictating through a lens of bias and presuppositions. I am going to Mayo Clinic to see if I can ameliorate a nagging symptom of fatigue. Never use the words 'I think' as they have no use, except in the context where you want to make sure to the reader you truly have no clue. I'll be seeing a student neurologist most likely.
If I had my way, in this wicked world, I think I need this:
Visual Evoked Potential EEG- Immediately would exclude MS in the context of a negative MRI.
Lumbar Puncture- The same as above, more intrusive and but possibly more rich data-wise.
Whole body MRI- Exclusion of obvious neoplasm, visualization of the adrenal glands, reported to be decreased in size in fatigue.
ACTH Stimulation test- To show possible low under the area of the curve for cortisol, a test with a much greater yield than morning cortisol.
EMG- Would exclude motor neuron disease with insidious presentation, lowest likelihood of revealing anything relevant.
My prediction is that I will receive none of the aforementioned. Yet, you can't paint a swell picture if the tools are locked in a cabinet. You can't paint anything. You just move your hand in the air and insist the problem is there. What's the matter, you can't see insanely complex psychoneuroimmunoendocrinological problem I may have? Me neither. We should start a club.
I see the forest, I see the trees, I need an ax so I can see the sun.